Mosadek Hobrara


Mr. Mosadek Hobrara holds a Master of Science degree in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Law from Tripoli University (Libya). Professionally, Mosadek is the Executive Director of the Libyan American Alliance (LAA). Mosadek was previously engaged in providing mediation work in Libya, he was a lead member at the Libyan Notables Council for Reconciliation, a non-governmental organization conducting local mediation efforts in Libya.

Mosadek was also a project manager at the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), a Swiss NGO supporting the peacebuilding processes in Libya. During his work with the Center, he was in charge of organizing and facilitating roundtable talks between regional actors, political leaders, tribal actors, and civil society leaders.

During and after the Arab Spring, he participated intensively as an activist advocating for issues of human rights and transitional justice. Mosadek can be reached at