United States Representative Ted Deutch has used his position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to combat human rights violations wherever they may occur. Previously, he has worked to shed light on the dire humanitarian crisis in Syria that has displaced millions of families and co-sponsored a bill addressing the humanitarian and human rights crises in Sudan. As the sponsor of the bill, Representative Deutch helped reintroduce the Libya Stabilization Act, stating, “This bill supports humanitarian assistance, future elections, and enforcement of the UN arms embargo — measures that will enhance U.S. diplomacy, reinforce ongoing negotiations, and provide greater peace and opportunity for the Libyan people.” Representative Deutch also serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Global Counterterrorism.
In April 2021, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Libya Stabilization Act. Representative Deutch expressed his hopefulness for December elections, and the Biden administration’s renewed focus on Libya. However, he also pointed out the instability of the situation, explaining to his colleagues that, “More than half a million migrants remain in Libya, human rights abuses continue, and progress on securing the withdrawal of foreign weapons, forces, and mercenaries from Libya remains elusive. The Libya Stabilization Act demonstrates congressional interest in ending foreign intervention and consolidating Libya’s political gains, both before and after the December elections.” The same month, Representative Deutch co-wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken that presented how the U.S. could continue supporting a stable political transition in Libya and “support the Libyan people as they continue on the path towards national unity, stability, and peace.”