Four Libyan families residing in the United States have filed a lawsuit against Khalifa Haftar, as he is an American citizen, for war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of human rights in Libya.
The families lodged the lawsuit in the county court of the State of Virginia, calling for investigations into Haftar’s crimes and urging for holding him accountable for them as per the US laws, since he is a US citizen.
The lawsuits calls for financial compensations of about 100 million dollars as a punishment and 25 million dollars for the suffering and traumas caused by Haftar’s forces attacks on their relatives, killing and injuring many of them in artillery shelling and airstrikes on the outskirts on Tripoli.
The lawsuit explains that Haftar’s terrorist acts are violations of international laws and, hence, the US laws and he must be tried at a US court as he is an American citizen.
This lawsuit comes after a similar one has been formerly lodged in a Paris court, accusing Haftar of killing family members in Ganfouda – Benghazi in 2014 – of a Libyan man who lives abroad.
The case was made by French lawyers who called on the government to probe Haftar at a time he was on French soil, but nothing happened.